The Will County Ghost Hunters Society was asked by one of our members to conduct an investigation at her home.  She had noticed several strange occurrences happening in and around her bedroom.  Prior to joining the WCGHS, no activity was reported.  Some of the activity reported was seeing shadows, movement of objects and unusual noises.

     The occurrences began happening once she began going to the former Manteno State Mental Hospital in Manteno, Illinois with the WCGHS to conduct paranormal investigations.  She began to bring home various objects. Some of these objects included patient notes, greeting cards, a shoe, a carton of cigarettes, and various other objects.  We believe that the spirit that was creating these manifestations was attached to one or more of the objects that were taken from the hospital.

     For our investigation we asked for all the items that were taken and brought home to be placed on the bed.  The investigation consisted of four WCGHS, including the homes occupant. Our equipment included several audio recorders, EMF detectors, Temperature Guns, video and digital cameras, and various other pieces of equipment.  The equipment was placed throughout the reported hot spots of activity.

     During the investigation nothing unusual was noticed. However, during the review of our data a startling image was found!    It appears to an image of a figure hunched over and holding something in their left hand. Could this be the carton of cigarettes or possibly the patient notes?  Several other photos were taken at this time and only in this photo was something unexplainable found.  All members of the investigation were accounted for and none match the physical appearance of this image.