The following are the EVPs that the Will County Ghost Hunters Society were able to capture during an investigation in Rockdale, IL on September 16, 2024. For more details click here to read the full investigation report.

     Shortly after turning on our recorders for the first EVP session, a spirit was picked up. Dan, states the day, time, location and readings. These have been omitted from the audio file to protect the location of the home. Right after this is where the file starts. Immediately, a voice says, “Help.”  A few seconds later, Dan says “Is there anyone here with us?”

     Within a minute there is a voice at the beginning, but it is unclear what is being said.  This is followed up by two male spirits saying, “I’m Harold” I’m Tom”.

     No other EVPs were found until the investigation was nearing its end. Dan Asks, ”Can you tell me what happened to you?” Immediately afterwards spirit says, “Bedroom.” This is followed by another spirit saying, “Tom”. Then, a spirit says, “No”, followed by another spirit saying, “Mary.”  There are definitely at least two, possibly there spirits on this recording.

     On June 5, 2024 the Will County Ghost Hunters Society conducted an investigation at Woodlawn Cemetery II in Joliet, IL.  While at the grave site of a young woman named Ruth, lead investigator Dan Jungles asked, “Ruth, can you tell me what happened? 20 years old and you passed away. Were you in an accident? Were you sick? Something else happen?” A spirit responds,”Sickkkkk.”

     The Will County Ghost Hunters Society conducted an investigation at the Hiram B. Scutt Mansion in Joliet, IL.  During the course of the investigation a team of four investigators were in the basement of the residence conducting an EVP session.  WCGHS team member Mike said, “You can’t scare anyone down here.” This is immediately followed by a loud laughing. Dan asks, “You guys didn’t hear that laugh?  Did you?”  Investigator Sunny then says, “No, I didn’t hear a laugh.’ Dan says, “It sounded like a small child or little girl.”


     The Will County Ghost Hunters Society had the privilege of investigating the Big Four Bar & Grill in Carbon Hill, Illinois and was able to capture some remarkable evidence. The location has a rich history, including being a hotel during the heyday of the town’s mining days.  

     The following is the audio evidence that we were able to document. Dan was talking about the rain and the spirit of a little girl sings, “Come inside, I need you too.”

     The next EVP Jason and Dan were discussing a shadow that was seen. This is followed by the sound of keys rattling. This was heard by everyone at the time and the source could not be found. One of the claims is the sound of keys rattling, and we were able to experience this and document it during our investigation.


On February 5, the Will County Ghost Hunters Society returned to the A.C. Clement home in Joliet, Illinois for an overnight investigation. The home has a long a rich history, including being a nursing home and a funeral home for many years. The home was converted back to residential living in the 1970’s.

     One of the teams decided to investigate the double parlor of the home. This is an area in which they use to wake bodies when it was Blackburn’s Funeral Home. It was also used as a recreational area during its time as a nursing home. During the investigation of parlor, the team was discussing how Sue attended a wake at the home. They started to discuss their ages. Sue says, “I graduated in high school in 69, very mature.” Then Jeff says, “Wow.” Christine says, “Summer of 69, summer of love. That’s when I was born.” There is a brief pause and the voice of a female spirit says, “Whoa Child.”

     Several minutes later and still in the parlor, Jason says, “There’s not much going on here.” Followed by Jeff saying, “I’m gonna go change batteries real quick.” Jason replies, “Okay.” Then a male spirit says, “I didn’t die.” It sounds like it could possibly be an African American or someone with a Jersey accent


     In the master bedroom, the team was discussing a set of jacks that had been moved. Jason says, “Moved them over, just like that.” Christine asks, “Was the ball over here?” Jason replies, “Okay the ball was.” Then Christine replies, which is followed by a spirit softly saying, “I moved it there.” Dan says, “That’s one thing debunked. “That is followed by Christine saying, “All righty.” Shortly after, a spirit says, “Don’t forget my name.”

     Still in the master bedroom, Christine began discussing the high EMF readings from a window air conditioning unit. A spirit says, “Chill on.” Then you will hear the other investigators discussing it.

     The ghost of a young girl named Rachael Gibbons who died as a result of a fire on Christmas morning is said to be one of the ghosts that haunt this home. During our investigation of the home, a team was in the master bedroom and was able to capture this remarkable EVP of a small child talking. You will hear the investigators talking, than a small child comes through and says, “I like to play with Stu.”

     The home was originally owned by Dr. Gibbons, the town doctor. He ran his practice out of his home, in which he had an office and a operating room. Shortly after midnight, one of our team entered this area of the home. We were able to capture this incredible EVP during this time. You will hear Ron say, “I think I should pull some of the magic carpet here.” Someone sniffles. Immediately after the spirit of a small girl says, “Come and play with me.” This went completely unnoticed at the time, as no one heard it. Then, Dan says, “Whispers Estate, uh, the time is 12:13am August 15.”

     During the same EVP session in the operating room, we were trying to provoke the spirits into showing themselves and letting us know that they were there. We had several EMF spikes, and then they seemed to stop. You will hear Christine say, “Come on where’d ya go?” Then she clears her throat. A male spirit softly says, “Wait a minute.” Another spirit follows up but saying,” Missing do I?”


     During the set-up of the investigation, Sue and Christine were in the loft of the home having a discussion about carrying their equipment. Sue begins the conversation talking about a fanny pack, and then a male spirit interrupts her saying, "To the timing."  Christine concludes the conversation by talking about a photo vest. Neither of the investigators heard the voice during the investigation, but both of their audio recorders were able to record it.

      Sue left her recorder in the loft while the remainder of the set up was completed. The following EVP was recorded during this time. It is the same male spirit as the previous EVP. He says, "This is....This is my place."

     The investigation began in the master bedroom. At the time of this recording the investigator were taking photos and no was talking. A spirit comes through and says, "This is my bed."  This voice was picked up on two of the four audio recorders in the room.



     The Will County Ghost Hunters Society conducted an investigation at a home in Joliet, Illinois. During the course of the investigation, Jason, Ron Muldoon, and Brian Brozovich were in the master bedroom of the home and experienced several EMF spikes. Later in the evening they returned with investigator Dan Jungles for an EVP session. We placed 2 KII meters and a digital EMF meter in the room. The meters were on opposite sides of the room and started to spike in stereo. It seemed that certain types of questions caused the meters spike. We heard a loud bang near the bed. We could not find the source of the noise and questioned the homeowners, who were downstairs if they heard the noise or made it. They did not. We then turned the ghost box on and began another series of questions. Dan began to provoke the spirits to show themselves. In this EVP, you will hear Dan say,” I think you’re just a chicken shit.” This is followed by a spirit saying,”Asshole.” Jason says, “K2 going off.” Ron says, “Oh, I just heard asshole.” Jason follows up with, “K2 going off.” Ron says,” I swear I just hear asshole. This is a great example of a Class A EVP with a ghost box.  Just one of the reasons we use them is the real time communication that can take place, such as this.


     The Will County Ghost Hunters Society conducted an investigation at a private home in Plainfield, IL. Much of the paranormal activity was reported to occur in the eldest daughter’s bedroom. Investigators Brian Brozovich, Jason, Rick, and Dan Jungles were investigation the room. During the investigation we began to ask a series of EVP questions. During which we were all surprised to hear a disembodied voice of a women respond to us. Rick asks, “Did you have any kids of your own?” This is followed by the voice of a disembodied woman speaking. Then Dan says,” What was that?” Jason says,” Did you hear that?” Then Brian says, ”Yeah I did.” The voice sounded much louder when we heard it. Three of the four investigators were able to hear the voice with their own ears. I believe what she maybe saying is,” Just one.”

     During an investigation in Sandwich, IL the following EVP was recorded.  The teenage son of the home owners had committed suicide in the garage we were investigating less than two years prior. Upon entering the garage, Dan and Anthony went to the back of the garage and stood under the staircase looking up to the second story of the garage. They began to discuss how and exactly were the suicide could have taken place. During their conversation, a loud male voice came through saying, “Go away.” This is followed immediately by a train whistle. It is believe the spirit used the white noise of the train to come through. The voice was louder than both Dan and Anthony, and could not be attributed to any living person. It was believed by the investigators that the voice was that of the son whom committed suicide.  The parents of the deceased son confirmed it was indeed his voice. Numerous others who knew him also said it was definitely him.  The EVP is a strong Class 1.

-Recorded by Anthony Gallas

      One of the cemeteries that the Will County Ghost Hunters Society often visited is the Aux Sable Grove Naausay Cemetery in Yorkville. The rural cemetery was featured in Superman Smallville as the Smallville Cemetery.  The WCGHS has experienced and captured many things over the years at this location. On this occasion, we were near the grave of a young man named Andrew when this was recorded. We had only arrived a few moments prior.  No questions were being asked, but you can hear a spirit ask, “Hey, where’s Kathy?” We did not hear this or detect it until we were reviewing our data from the investigation.  Kathy is an investigator who often accompanied us to this location and apparently this particular spirit had grown fond of her.

     The Will County Ghost Hunters Society conducted an investigation at Saint Peters Lutheran Cemetery on East Cass Street in Joliet, Illinois.  On any given investigation, it is WCGHS protocol when we turn on our audio recorders to state where we are. Rob Dunbar aka “Shaggy” states, “Saint Peters Lutheran Cemetery, Joliet.”  This is followed by a spirit singing, “I can’t stay.”  Shaggy then says, “This is exactly where is was going off.”  He was referring to a previous investigation when an EMF spike was recorded.  The spirit singing was not noticed at the time of recording.  The mechanical sound of the recording is an example of an inexperience person using an audio editing program. Unfortunately the original unedited audio file was not saved,  but is still a wonderful example of a class A EVP.

     The Will County Ghost Hunters Society was contacted to conduct an investigation by a family in Creve Cour, Illinois experiencing paranormal activity. Some of the activity that they reported to have experienced was having pictures on the walls knocked off, items in the house being moved and their young son seeing and being tormented by something that he described as a large man with the face of a jackrabbit.  The son claims this thing had fangs and would sit in his room staring at him.

    The WCGHS team consisted of Kathy, Lisa, Rob and Dan. After arriving and interviewing the family we decided to set up our equipment. It was during this time, when we were in the kitchen the following EVP was recorded. No questions were being asked. A spirit says, “You’re not gonna get me with that f*ing equipment.”  This was not noticed during the time of the recording.

      Nearing the end of the investigation, the WCGHS was in the son’s room.  A series of questions were asked. At the end of the EVP session we stated, “Is there anything you would like this family to know?” A spirit answers, “I hate, I hate thee.”  Again, nothing was noticed at the time of the recording.

Although, these were the only two pieces of evidence that we were able to record we feel the home is definitely experiencing paranormal activity of what we believe is a male. The reason for the haunting is not known, but suspected it could possibly be a former resident of the home.

Home Investigation in Rockdale, IL

     The Will County Ghost Hunters Society had the opportunity to conduct an investigation at a home in the small town of Rockdale, IL.  We were able to document some of the reported activity in the home with the following EVPs. These EVps were recorded on the staircase where the apparition of a young boy (around the age of 13) has been seen. Christine and Craig where conducting an EVP session when Christine's recorder captured these EVPs.

     During the first EVP, Craig is saying to Christine, “….Doing a financial background investigation… Yeah  (Christine)… to find out (UNPLAINED HMMMM……Byee). What sources of income these people have, what their bills are like.”

      The second EVP was recorded in the same EVP session. Craig says,”..the narcotic squad.. Uh huh (Christine) .. Which is basically the which is basically the unit that handles… UNEXPLAINED WHOOP).